Are you still confused about the school budget? You're not alone - it's a complicated issue this year. So please, please come to the informational meetings this Thursday, May 4th, beginning at 6pm at Castleton Elementary School, to learn why we are in this situation of facing a higher budget even though expenditures are LEVEL FUNDED. I believe that Castleton-Hubbardton residents value quality education for our children, and don't want to see our school system "gutted" by the cuts in current programming that would have to be made to balance the loss in revenue from state-mandated initiatives. Our school board and admins have worked hard to trim away every bit of new spending in the original budget, bringing expenditures back to exactly the same amount as the current year. Please come voice your questions the traditional Vermont way, at a town gathering, where neighbors come together to share concerns and values. And please vote on Tuesday, May 9th at the Hubbardton Town Hall or Castleton Fire Station. This one is really important.