Green Up Day Potluck Community Breakfast

Past event
May 6, 2017, 8:30 to 10 AM

The Community Center in Jericho invites you to join friends and neighbors at our annual Green-Up Day Breakfast. This is a great way to kick-off Green Up Day activities, catch up on town news, and renew old connections while meeting new folks. Attendees are encouraged to bring a baked good or potluck dish to share!

Brief announcements will be read around 9:00/9:15. Look for our announcement sheet when you enter if you'd like to add to the list, or you may send very short announcements in advance to Richmond Rescue will provide a safety demonstration on proper management of needles encountered during your Green Up Day work. Right after our breakfast there will be a dedication of the Lil Desso play area on the Green at 10am.

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