Volunteer for Green Up Day in South Burlington!

Past event
May 6, 2017, 8 AM to 2 PM

This is the 7th year that the South Burlington Land Trust (SBLT) is organizing and managing the entire Green Up Day effort in South Burlington with the active help and participation of City staff and the departments of Planning & Zoning, Recreation & Parks and Public Works.

Volunteers statewide will come together in their communities to tackle trash and litter along roadsides, in public spaces, natural landscapes and waterways.

Help make South Burlington’s Green Up Day a great success again this year.

Come to the City Hall parking lot, 575 Dorset Street on Saturday May 6 from 8 am to 2 pm in to pick up your bags and be directed to areas that need “greening up”. This will also be the drop-off point for ALL trash collected. There is no roadside pickup.

If you know the area you would like to “green up” before the day, please contact SBLT Board Member Michael Mittag at mittag.michael@gmail.com. He is keeping a master map to assure comprehensive coverage of the entire City.

On Green Up Day you can also enjoy the free food and refreshments generously donated by Burlington Bagel Bakery and Klinger’s Bakery while supplies last.

The SBLT will award prizes for:
The Most Trash Collected by one person/team.
The Most Unusual Object Found.
And maybe other prizes.

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