CCC Work & Trail Exploration Day

Past event
May 13, 2017

Butternut Ridge Trail
Work & Trail Exploration Day
Chester, Vermont
Saturday May 13th, 2017
8:00am – Noon

All are welcome to join the Chester Conservation Committee (CCC) for a morning of trail work as we continue to develop the new Butternut Ridge Trail. Work some, learn about the trail and forest or simply come out and meet new people and spend an enjoyable morning in the woods.
The CCC will be assembling where the VAST trail crosses Reservoir Road at 8:00am. The trail work will include tread work, pruning and vegetation removal along the flagged trail corridor.

Please bring a pair of loppers or pruners if you have them. Dress appropriately with proper work shoes/hiking boots and work gloves. Bring water and snacks. Come late or leave early, all are encouraged to help for as much time as you can.

Directions to the meeting/parking area: Follow Rt. 11 West out of Chester. Past the Stone Hearth Inn and after the Army Reserve building on your right, turn right onto Balch Road. Proceed approximately 1 mile on Balch/Reservoir Road (past Water Farm Road on your right) until you see cars parked along the road near the VAST trail sign. Park on the shoulder and follow the trail on the right hand side into the woods. CCC members will be working down this trail. Look for signs and people.

The Butternut Ridge Trail is located in Chester's 550-acre Town Forest and ascends to the 1,725’ summit of Butternut Ridge for great views of Stratton, Magic and surrounding hills to the southwest. The Butternut Ridge Trail is a new spur trail that is linked to 2.2 mile Lost Mine Trail.

Organized by the Chester Conservation Committee.

For more information and updates, please contact

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