Montpelier Shambhala Open House - Wed.

Past event
May 3, 2017, 6 to 7:30 PM

Wednesday, May 3 6 – 7:30 pm

Join us for our monthly Open House at Montpelier Shambhala —

Finding Balance in Our Lives: What Does Mindful Living Really Look like?
We will talk about the aspiration to balance practice, livelihood and life in general, and the challenges that we face in our efforts to do so.
Our monthly talk will be given by Esther Seibold who has been part of the Shambhala Buddhist community for 30+ years. She is a meditation instructor, Shambhala Training director, and has held administrative roles in Shambhala centers in the past in Philadelphia and Boston. She currently lives in Barnet, VT and practices maternal child health community- based nursing.
Meditation instruction will be given, we’ll practice for a while and then Esther will offer her talk, followed by a discussion, tea and snacks. All are welcome! Free, though donations are always welcome.

Please join us!
5 State Street
2nd floor

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