The founding Head of Maple Street School in Manchester, Nancy Calicchio, will be back in the area on Friday, May 5, from 4 to 6 for the opening reception of her latest art show at The Canfield Gallery in Arlington. The public is invited to share Nancy's year-long visual love affair with the beautiful Barton Cove on the Connecticut River. The artist rendered in oils the colorful changes this exceptional spot goes through month-by-month throughout the year.
After retiring from Maple Street and a 43-year career as an independent school educator, Nancy immersed herself in her lifelong love of art, and through disciplined work in her Putney-area studio, became a best-selling oil painter, with exhibitions and recognition throughout Vermont. She welcomes old and new friends to this latest show, which will be on view at The Canfield Gallery in the Martha Canfield Library in Arlington during library hours through the month of May.