Guilford Community Yard Sale!

Past event
May 20, 2017, 9 AM to 2 PM

The Guilford Recreation Commission is hosting a Yard Sale!
Sat May 20th 9:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Guilford Central School
Are you about to do some spring cleaning? Do you have too much clutter? Here is an opportunity to clear your space and support the community while you do it.
We will accept donations of your items, or you can rent a table for $20 and sell your items yourself to make some money.
Enjoy the day with your friends and neighbors!
Food and snacks will be for sale.
We hope you can make it!
This is a Fundraiser for the Guilford Recreation Commission.
Rent a table for $20- tables provided.
Pre-Register at the Guilford Recreation website: "Adult Registration" tab
Check our website and Facebook pages for details about the yard sale, and all of our upcoming events:
Facebook Page:

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