Green Up Week is Here!

Past event
May 6, 2017, 9 AM to 12 PM

OK, folks, mud season's over and Green Up WEEK has officially begun! It's time once again to roll up our sleeves and beautify the roadsides in our neighborhoods by picking up all that thoughtlessly discarded trash. Remember, you don't have to do it all on Saturday morning. You can leisurely pick up trash any day or evening this week. Just be sure to bring your bags to the Calais Depot or Maple Corner Store (new this year - bags and deposit containers ONLY) on Green Up "Drop Off" Day between 9 and noon.

Here are the details:

DATE: Saturday, May 6
PLACE: Trash/Recycling Depot, Moscow Woods Rd., East Calais. Also, ONLY bags and returnable bottles & cans may be brought to Maple Corner Store. Bigger stuff must go to the Depot as usual.
TIME: 9 AM - noon - Volunteers can drop off bags of roadside litter. Metal also accepted (no refrigerators, liquids or tires on rims). Household trash and recyclables accepted at the Depot for the usual fee. No personal tires, please!
BAGS: can be picked up at all 3 Calais stores and Town Clerk’s Office (or use your own). Please DO NOT leave bags on roadsides to be picked up. Bring them to the Depot or Maple Corner Store.
HAZARDOUS WASTE: DO NOT PICK UP any suspicious hazardous waste like needles or meth lab waste such as household cleaners in unusual quantities. Leave in place, mark the spot and notify Green Up Coordinator.
BE TICK SMART: Wear long pants, light colored clothing, bug repellent and check for ticks when arriving home.

CONTACT: Fletcher Dean, 456-8924,

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