Join Safer Society Foundation for the Trauma-Informed Practice for Social Workers, School Counselors, Educators, & Mentors!
What: A three-hour workshop eligible for 3 CEUs
Where: Marriott Courtyard, Middlebury Vermont
When: 1 to 4 p.m.
Cost: $30
In the first part of our workshop, Dr. Levenson will talk about the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their traumatic social and emotional impacts on cognitive processes and behavior throughout the lifespan. In the second part of the workshop she will propose some general ways that professionals who work with children can integrate knowledge about trauma into their everyday practice. Following a short pause for refreshments, attendants will break out into discussion groups based on their work areas (e.g., counselors, teachers, mentors, case workers). They will exchange ideas about how trauma awareness can be integrated into their own work, and they’ll come up with a question or two that Dr. Levenson will address when the breakout is over.
Presenter: Dr. Jill Levenson, Professor of Social Work, Barry University, is a frequent keynote speaker at state, local, and national conferences on the subject of trauma-informed care in clinical and forensic settings. In this workshop she will discuss the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their traumatic psychosocial impact on behavior throughout the lifespan.