Bottle Drive to Benefit Odyssey of the Mind Students

Past event
Apr 29, 2017, 8 AM to 12 PM

Bottle Drive Saturday 8-12 at Thatcher Brook School

This weekend, clean out those bottles and cans that piled up all winter! Bring them to Thatcher Brook Primary School Saturday morning 8 AM to Noon for the Odyssey of the Mind Bottle Drive. The fundraiser will support the teams of students from Thatcher Brook and Crossett Brook schools headed to Michigan State University next month for the World Finals tournament of the creative problem-solving program. They will represent our schools and Vermont. OM is an extracurricular activity led by parent volunteers. All funding comes from grants, donations, fundraisers and family contributions.
Thank you in advance for your support! - Lisa Scagliotti, OM coach and program coordinator

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