On Friday, April 21, at 7:30, 19+ amazingly talented teens will take the stage in their Third Annual Select Show Choir Cabaret!
This show runs for one night and we hope to see you there for a spectacular performance of singing and dancing.
All profits go towards scholarships for children to further their education in the arts, therefore this show is FREE but we suggest a donation of $10. Doors open at 7:15. Tickets and seating are first come first serve.
This event is at The Main St Landing Black Box, on the third floor.
To RSVP send a reply to this email or click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1917841978498217/
Producer: Seth Jolles
Music Director: Randal Pierce
Tech: Cam Angwin
Choreographers: Khadija Bangoura and Georgia Malone-Wolfsun
Special Thanks To: PCC, Dobra Tea, Stacy Jolles, Nina Beck, Musicnotes Inc, Meg Cosaboom, and The Flynn Center For The Performing Arts.
Thank you and we hope to see you there!