Act 46 meeting April 24th
Oxbow High School
Bradford-Oxbow-Newbury-BMU Act 46 Study Committee
April 24, 2017 – 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Oxbow High School Auditorium
5:30 1. Roll Call
5:33 2. Approve minutes: March 13, 2017 (See attached)
5:35 3. Update on Blue Mountain Board deliberations regarding 706 study
5:45 4. Consultant overview, Committee discussion of future course of action (See attached memo from consultant; letter from Secretary Holcombe to Windham Southeast Act 46 Committee)
A. Decide that it is inadvisable to form a union school district comprised of Blue Mountain, Bradford, Newbury, and Oxbow
B. Decide to complete the Articles of Agreement as written and seek community vote
C. Decide to draft Articles of Agreement that list Blue Mountain as an “advisable district”
D. Other options that might be available pending action on SB 122, which proposes “increased flexibility for school district mergers” (see link to this bill in email, attached memo from Nicole Mace)
6:45 5. Community Input
7:15 6. Action on future course of action
7:30 7. Adjournment
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