Evening with Art Woolf

Past event
Apr 20, 2017, 6:30 to 8 PM

Join us for a community forum on Vermont's economic future with Professor Art Woolf of the University of Vermont. This event is free, open to all, and will be held at the Jericho Elementary School on Thursday, April 20, starting at 7 P.M.

Bring your questions about our economy, the demographic challenges we faces and your thoughts about the best way to confront the challenges of an aging population in a high-cost state

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Vermont’s population isn’t getting any younger, and this should be a concern of everyone living today in Vermont. Vermont’s demographics are changing, and there will be many challenges ahead for us.

Please join us for another night in our COMMUNITY FORUM series, featuring Art Woolf. Mr. Woolf is associate professor of economics at the University of Vermont and writes a weekly column in the Burlington Free Press. Art Woolf’s presentation is “Vermont’s Demographics and the Challenges We Face.” The public is cordially invited to this free educational event on Thursday, April 20th, at the Jericho Elementary School (cafeteria) 90 Vermont Route 15, beginning at 6:30pm. A question and answer period will follow for this free event.

We hope you will us at this free event, reserve your space today. RSVP to Deb Rackliff at (802)-36398 or email Shane McCormack at smccormack@gmail.com

The Jericho and Underhill Republican Committees sponsor this event.

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