What is Justice?

Past event
Apr 20, 2017, 6:30 PM

*WHAT IS JUSTICE? A presentation and discussion- Thursday, April 20, 6:30 pm at the Unitarian Church, **130 Main St., Montpelier, by donation.*

I would guess that there are some people who live in the communities of our FPF who have been in prison and found that their incarceration did them more harm than good.

WHAT IS JUSTICE? Moving from a system of punishment and disconnection to one of compassion and connection will include a discussion featuring formerly incarcerated people and a victim telling their stories. Other participants include a representative from Vermont's Dept. of Corrections; a longtime Buddhist practitioner, advocate and correspondent with prison inmates; and the director of a local Justice Center. The purpose is to raise awareness of dysfunction in our prison system, shed light on alternative approaches to justice, and provide the audience with resources for action. Those who have been in prison and their relatives and friends might appreciate attending this forum.

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