It was late on Wednesday, 'bout ten after four,
When I spotted Lucy hustling up to my door.
She seemed quite excited as she rang my bell!
I quick let her in - "I've some great news to tell!"
She exclaimed - without hug or "hi" -
"I just heard it today from my dear neighbor, Vi."
"See, Ruth heard it by chance and then she told Jack;
"Jack passed it to Norma, and Norma told Mac;
"Mac couldn't wait to tell dear wife Connie;
"Then Connie went over to tell cousin Ronnie.
"Ron then told Vi, who he happened to see;
"Then Vi hurried over to tell it to me!"
"My gracious," I said, "Are you going to share?
"I'm sitting right up on the edge of my chair!"
"Of course!" said Lucy, "Please do excuse!
"I'm just so excited 'bout this wonderful news!
"THE CLUTTER BARN, that thrift shop where 15 meets Park,
"Is opening soon - now ain't that a lark?!
"MAY 6 is the date to start DONATING things
"That you nearly discarded while cleaning this spring.
"Gently used items now not useful to you:
"Books, games and dishes, spring/summer clothes, too.
"Well, I'm going home now to check closets and drawers
"And pile up my DONATIONS right by the door!"
"Thank you, dear Lucy, for reminding me
"That the CLUTTER BARN opening is soon to be!
"I'll circle that date right now - MAY the 6th.
"I do have DONATIONS - in fact quite a mix!
"The CLUTTER BARN MISSION is dear to my heart.
"I'll help get its season off to a good start!"
HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Tag Sales are held the last Saturday of each month, May through August.
Final sale during HARVEST MARKET, September 23 and 24.
Refer to for more information.
Jan 26, 2025, 10:15 to 11:15 AM
Banner Painting WorkshopsJan 26, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Boost Your Brain with Bright MindsJan 28, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM