Three High-Performance Homes, Three Approaches

Past event
Apr 18, 2017, 7 to 8:30 PM

There are several ways to approach the design and construction of a high-performance home.

Are you considering building a High Performance Home?
Come learn how Architect and Certified Passive House Consultant Jean Terwilliger has worked with various local builders to achieve excellence in energy efficiency and sustainability without compromising functionality and delight.

This presentation will compare the design, construction, and performance of three new Addison County high-performance homes completed in 2015 and 2016. All two-story buildings on small lots, these homes used a variety of construction systems to accommodate aesthetic, site, and builder considerations.

Find out how overall home designs met the interests and goals of the homeowners; the cost, performance and ease of construction of the different envelope systems; and reasons to choose one system over the others. Presentation will include cost and payback information as well.

Jean Terwilliger of Vermont Integrated Architecture, P.C.,
Alex Carver of Northern Timbers Construction, and
Tom LeBoeuf of Northeast Craftsmen Group

Refreshments served
Hope to see you there!

Ilsley Public Central Library (lower level entry by courtyard)
75 Main St, Middlebury, VT 05753

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