Bowlers/Teams Wanted for 11th Annual PHWC Bowl-A-Thon

Past event
May 6, 2017, 1 to 3 PM

The 11th Annual People's Health & Wellness Clinic Bowl-A-Thon is set for Saturday, May 6, 1:00 - 3:00 PM at Twin City Family Fun Center. This is the largest fundraising event in support of the free clinic, and teams, sponsors, and prize donations are wanted now!

Teams can register and reserve their lane now by downloading the forms from the PHWC website at or calling PHWC at 479-1229, and we'll mail, email, or fax them to you.

Businesses who wish to sponsor a lane and have their logo on a banner over that lane can also call the Clinic at 479-1229, or download the forms from the website:

Anyone - individual or business - wishing to donate a prize for top fundraising bowlers and teams can do the same.

"The Bowl-A-Thon is our major annual fundraising event and it's grown every year," said Clinic Executive Director Peter Youngbaer. "It's a great opportunity for people to go out, promote community awareness, and raise money to help provide needed health care to those who can't afford it, especially in these uncertain times regarding health care," he added. "Plus, it's just a whole lot of fun!"

Raise funds to help the Clinic and win prizes! Use the donation record form to keep track of who has sponsored you and how much they gave. Please collect money in advance and bring it with you to the event. Individual bowlers are asked to raise a minimum of $50; Teams are asked to raise at least $250. But don't stop there:

Everyone who raises at least $100 is entered into a Special Prize Pool drawing for extra prizes. Plus, there are fantastic prizes for top individual and team fundraisers. These include an overnight for two plus tea at Warren's reknowned Pitcher Inn, three days of golf and two nights lodging at Lake Morey Inn, Lift tickets at Bolton Valley for next winter, dinners out, and lots more.

The 11th Annual People's Health & Wellness Clinic Bowl-A-Thon is the major fundraiser for the Clinic - central Vermont's health care safety net program. Proceeds from the event will help to ensure that the Clinic can continue to provide primary health care, mental health, oral health, body work, and wellness education for our central Vermont neighbors who could not otherwise afford these services. Our health care system is facing uncertain times, and people are at risk of not being able to access quality, affordable care - or even losing what they currently have. That's why we're here. Thank you for your support. Call the Clinic with questions, 802-479-1229.

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