Vermont Interfaith Action (VIA) is sponsoring a forum to explain and assist with enrollment in Vermont Health Connect, the new health insurance marketplace, or exchange, required for the self-employed and small businesses in 2014. The Morrisville forum is Thurs, Nov 7 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at First Congregational Church of Morrisville (85 Upper Main St). Following a brief presentation, Exchange staff and trained “Navigators” will be present to answer questions and complete enrollment forms. If you wish to sign up that evening bring Your social security number for anyone who will be listed on the application (self, family members/dependents), tax filing for year 2012, or most recent pay stubs if income has changed since filing taxes last year, and -Information about medical needs to help determine most appropriate plan to choose (drugs, anticipation of hospital stays, doctor visits that are not preventative, etc.). More info: or 802-651-8889.