6th Annual Gear Swap and Clothing Sale

Past event
Apr 29, 2017

SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, April 29

The un-official kick-off to spring, offering you the opportunity to "Gear Up and Get Out!" Consign your old stuff, donate your lightly-used gear, and find great new deals to keep you ready to head outside all year long. The 6th annual Vermont Gear Swap & Sale will be held at the West Monitor Barn in Richmond on Saturday, April 29, from 9-3. Johnson Woolen Mills, Skida, Turtle Fur will be on hand to provide discounted clothing, hiking and camping gear, and other equipment. 100% of sales from donated items and 20% of all new and consignment sales will benefit the Burlington Sunrise Rotary Club.

* Find out more on the web, including how and where to donate your gear at: http://gearswapvt.org/
* Find out more on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GearSwapVT) or Twitter (https://twitter.com/GearSwapVT).

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