This is not your ordinary rummage sale. The West Windsor Historical Society is holding a Nearly New Goods and Bake Sale as a fundraiser from 9am – 7pm on Friday April 28th and 9am – 1pm on Saturday April 29th at the West Windsor Town Hall on the corner of Route 44 and the Hartland-Brownsville Rd. . All goods are 1/2 price on Saturday.
We're accepting donations of clean items that fall into the "nearly new" category and of baked goods. Categories of goods include clothing for men women and children, purses, shoes & boots, sporting equipment, games, books (no encyclopedias), kitchen/household items, china, glass, silver, appliances, collectibles, baskets, sewing, crafts, baby equipment, toys, linens, jewelry, lamps, photos, art, plants. No computers, printers, or anything broken or unlikely to sell.
Donations will be received at the Town Hall from 9 am to 6 pm Tues. 25th thru Thurs. 27th. Baked Goods may be dropped off Thurs 4/27 at the Mary L Blood Library from 3:30 – 5:30pm or Fri. & Sat. 8am - 8:30am at the Town Hall. Questions? Please call Sherry, 802 484-9286