Please join the PTO for a soup supper Sunday April 9, 2017, from 4-7 at the elementary school. Cost is $8 for adults, $5 for children and $20 for a family. There will be different varieties of soup and homemade bread. We will also offer soup to go, just stop by with a bowl and we will fill it for you. Some varieties may include, chicken noodle, tomato, vegetarian lentil and maybe even a venison chili.
This event will also begin the ticket selling for the wonderful CSA raffle at Sunrise farm. These ticket will be on sale until early May. More details will be posted on the CSA raffle at a later date.
A dollar from each ticket sold will be donated to the food shelf and so will a portion of the proceeds from the soup dinner. We hope you can join us, or grab some take out on Sunday afternoon.