Saturday, April 22...7:30 pm
Ladies Night Out Concert Ladies' Night Out Women's Chorus, Rutland County's premiere women's chorus will be performing “Choir Favorites, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” in the Brandon Town Hall on Saturday, April 22 at 7:30 pm. This is the Town Hall's opening event for 2017. Songs consist of Classic, Renaissance, Jazz and 50's Pop Classics, Traditional, Spirituals, 21st Century selections plus their signature Hymn at the end of the performance, “How Can I Keep From Singing?”, a Quaker Hymn arranged by Gwyneth Walker and all willing singers from the audience are welcome to come up on stage and sing with them. Lucy Allen Tenenbaum is the conductor and director of Ladies' Night Out Women's Chorus. She has led the group since 1999 and welcomes new singers at the beginning of each season, September and January. This is a Free Will Donation Event.