Building a World Beyond War: What Will It Take?

Past event
Apr 22, 2017, 9 AM to 4:30 PM

The statewide coalition Vermont Stands for a World Beyond War is sponsoring a conference on April 22nd. The purpose of the conference and coalition is to revitalize the Vermont peace movement and focus on the financial, social, and environmental costs of war and militarism in our state. The goal is to bring together interested Vermonters through workshops, panels, and actions that answer the conference’s key question: what it will take to build a world beyond war?

9:00 to 9:30 AM Registration, Coffee, Exhibits, and Networking
9:30 to 10:30 AM Keynote Presenter: David Swanson
10:45 to 11:45 AM Workshop Sessions
11:45 to 12:45 PM Lunch, Exhibits, and Networking
12:45 to 1:45 PM Workshop Sessions
2:00 to 3:00 PM Workshop Sessions
3:15 to 4:30 PM Closing Session Presenter: Pat Hynes

Register here:

List of Workshops:
- “Nuclear Weapons: The Current Threat and What We Can Do About It” with John Reuwer, M.D., Physicians for Social Responsibility
- “Activism 101 We are ALL Activists!” with Mary Brown-Guillory, Champlain Area NAACP
- “The Power of Militarism in Our Lives: A Community Discussion” with Joseph Gainza, Dorie Wilsnack, and Eric Bachman, Vermont Action for Peace
- “How Do You Foster Peace? A Community-Based Listening Project” with Adrienne Kinne, Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace
- “Peaceful Resistence in Ceremony While Facing Violence” with Beverly Little Thunder and Catherine Cadden, Kunsi Keya Tamakoce
- “One State, Two States, Solution or No Solution” with Sandra Baird and Mousa Ishaq, Burlington/Bethlehem/Arad Sister City Program
- “What Vermonters Can Do NOW To Do Build a World Without War” with Sophie Quest and Sandy Fead, Friends Committee on National Legislation
- “Appropriate Re-integration: Returning Home from War” with Jon Turner, Veteran Regeneration Project
- “Equity & Accountability: Finance for a Peace Economy” with Gwendolyn Hallsmith and Matthew Cropp, Vermonters for a New Economy
- “Building Empathy and Hope with Kids4Peace” with Jeff Mandell, Kids4Peace Vermont
- “The F35 Basing in Vermont: A Local Example of Expanding Militarism” with Eileen Andreoli, Stop the F35 Coalition/Save Our Skies VT.
- “Recognizing, Addressing and Working to End White Fragility” with Kyle Silliman-Smith, Peace & Justice Center
- “War Within; War Without” with Barbara Soros, Body-Mind Practitioner.

For more information including specifics on coalition member groups, workshops, and more!:

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