Relocalizing VT Thurs: Sugaring - Maple and Birch

Past event
Apr 6, 2017, 9 to 10:30 AM

Coming up Thursday on Goddard College Community Radio - a sweet program about sugaring in Vermont

9:00 - 10:00 am
It’s sugaring season, and we’ll spend the whole hour talking about this sweet industry and pastime. We’ll kick off with Mark Isselhardt, UVM Extension maple specialist. He’ll talk about what makes for good flavors of maple syrup, how sugarbushes are affected by newfangled vacuum technology, the advantages of birch(!) syrup, and how sugaring is being affected by climate change and is likely to be affected in the future.

Then we’ll talk with commercial and homestead-scale sugarers. (I’m still looking for some, so if you’re one or the other and available on the phone between 9:30 and 10:00 on Saturday, please email me at Plus your phone calls!

10:00 - 10:30 am
Resilience Thoughts, a locally told Extempo story, plus upcoming events related to energy, food, and the local economy at the end of the age of oil.

Please tune in! Relocalizing Vermont runs Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30 am Eastern, on WGDR Plainfield 91.1 FM / WGDH Hardwick 91.7 FM / streaming at

Now with on-demand streaming for two weeks after air date at

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