Professional Skills in the Workplace Workshop
Two Classroom Sessions
• Thursday, April 13th, 9-11:30 am
• Friday, April 14th, 9-11:30 am
• Tegu Building, Morrisville
Goals We want you to leave this workshop with some skills for:
• Effective communication between yourself and others in the workplace
• Improved awareness and ability to listen, understand and respond
• Understand ways to successfully maintain personal and professional boundaries at work
• Practice workplace scenarios to build confidence and reinforce skills, some examples are:
Communication between coworkers
Communication between Supervisor/Supervisee
• Ways to manage stress at work and at home
Instructors: Deb Olivetti, Invest EAP
Kali Brgant, VocRehab Vermont
For more information and to register: call DJ Masi, Creative Workforce Solutions, Morrisville, 793-8309