Climate Change Movie Re: Carbon Pollution Tax

Past event
Apr 5, 2017, 7 to 8:30 PM

Are you concerned that the President thinks climate change is a hoax and his new USEPA administrator has stated carbon releases are not a primary cause of climate change in spite of near unanimity among climate scientists and ample proof from current ice melting and extreme weather events? Can you believe these alternative erroneous facts??? Are you concerned that the President will roll back President Obama’s program to reduce the carbon emissions from coal fired power plants and probably back out of the Paris climate agreement?

In the real world, we know we must do all we can to reduce carbon emissions so that future generations of our families can have a decent quality of life. Thankfully, much can be done by individuals to reduce their carbon footprint and that should be done as soon as possible. But we will need to turn the national administration and Congress around on this issue and proceed with haste to reduce emissions from industry/commercial/institutional/utilities. The only way we can accomplish this is to stand together and demand it of legislators and the administration.

One of the possible tools to reduce carbon emissions is the carbon pollution tax. Essentially, this program assesses a tax on fossil fuel sales to reduce demand for such fuels and returns the money back to the users. Experience has shown it does reduce demand by increasing the cost with the tax, but the funds are returned so there is little negative financial impact. It is really a tax offset, not a carbon tax. This “so-called pollution tax” is not popular with many people but it is a strong tool to reduce carbon emissions and we need to push for its adoption.

On Wednesday April 5th at 7:00 PM there will be a screening of a new film on climate change and the carbon pollution tax followed by Q and A with an expert panel. The presentation is in the form of a webinar. Please do not be put off by the term webinar, it’s really easy if you follow the instructions. The URL to sign up for the webinar is:


You can watch this film on your computer at home, or if you would like to watch with neighbors so you can discuss what you see, you can attend a showing at the Cutler Memorial Library in Plainfield. Please arrive by 6:45 PM/

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