Spring Tonics Herbalism Class

Past event
Apr 5, 2017, 5 to 6:30 PM

Spring Tonics: Learn, Eat and Drink to the Health of your Internal Spring

Wed. April 5, 5-6:30.

Historically, “spring tonics” has referred to the early spring greens that strengthen and invigorate the body. Especially before refrigeration, when people ate mostly root vegetables, dried beans and potatoes during the winter months, they needed the vitamins and minerals that tender wild greens afforded.

Across traditional cultures, peoples foraging from the land have understood that not only are wild plants both nourishing and sustaining, but that they also provide specific medicinal benefits. Food is medicine; medicine is food.

Looked at from the perspective of Chinese energetics, spring tonics can be loosely divided into two categories: those nourishing Kidney (think nettles) and those nourishing Wood (think dandelions).

How do we put this all together? Come to a class at the Hawthorn Center on spring tonics and be prepared to eat and drink to the health of your internal spring!

Hawthorn Center, 8A Main St., Bristol (over Cubbers)
$15 donation, or whatever you can afford.
Taught by Margi Gregory, Clinical herbalist

This is the first of a series of classes on disharmonies associated with the “Wood-Liver” phase. For more details visit Margi’s website at www.springmountainherbs.com
Donation $15 or whatever you can afford.
To register contact Margi: margigregory@gmail.com or 413 320-1920.

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