All items left over from barn sale now free or best offer for a few select items.
Everything must go!!
I still have many many great books: permaculture, hiking adk, gardening, outdoors, carpentry, welding, how to home repair, architecture, short wave radio, and more! All books $3.00 or less!
Hiking back packs, day packs, bike hements, smart phone stereo systems, tennis rackets, x country skis, back country skis, snow board/men's 10.5 boots/with bindings, heavy boxing bag with training gear, push mower, Ipe/maranti/cedar decking, barn boards
Msc Tools: sockets, wrench sets, Milwaukee router, small clams, motor cross tires, Tibmer framers chisel, tons of new Ball jars... more!
and more!
Sunday 3/26 noon--1:30