Guitar Concert Benefit for Nicaraguan Families

Past event
Mar 25, 2017, 7:30 to 9 PM

“Living in Hope Through Tough Times”

Paul Baker Hernandez will offer inspiring songs, original and from the solitary tradition, sung in both English and Spanish "to celebrate the best in us and to move us into action” at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church this Saturday evening.

Paul lives in Nicaragua and is on a fundraising tour. Your free-will donation will help support Paul’s development projects there that are designed to create a better life for families in the barrios (neighborhoods) such as construction of community waste water drainage; building with recycled plastic bottles; emergency relief, and more.

The concert begins at 7:30 PM. Parking available on site and handicap accessible at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 273 VT Route 15 near the intersection with Brown’s Trace. 899-3932.

Enjoy inspiring music close to home while helping others!

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