Trick or Treat Downtown Montpelier 4 - 5:30 PM

Past event
Oct 31, 2013, 4 to 5:30 PM

Downtown Montpelier is getting ready for trick or treating with you! Come in costume and visit our local shop keepers for your special treat. It's a really fun time for the family and good for the little ones who will not stay out late. Also a fun time for the older kids who can start downtown and then head off into the neighborhoods.

Trick or Treat is 4 - 5:30 in most shops in downtown Montpelier. Live broadcast by ORCA Media outside of La Brioche at E. State and Main--show off your costume on TV!

The businesses downtown appreciate your support this summer with the construction going on, and they hope you continue to visit them, especially as we head into the holiday season.

Can't wait to see the creative costumes roaming the streets this year! I'll be out taking photos and posting them to the Montpelier Alive Facebook page. Follow us there, too! ALSO: the Montpelier Police Department posted some safety tips on their Facebook page today, so take a look if you want a refresher.

See you downtown!

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