Essex Town (Not Village) Planning Commission Meeting

Past event
Mar 23, 2017


The Town (Outside the Village) Planning Commission will be meeting on Thursday, March 23rd @6:30 p.m., 81 Main Street Conference Room. As you all know, the Village is a part of the Town, and everybody is welcomed to participate in these meetings!

The following items will be discussed at the meeting:

First up is an opportunity for the public to talk about any item that is not already scheduled on the agenda. It is called 'Public to be Heard'!

Next, Dennis Lutz, Public Work Director, will be providing a yearly update to the Planning Commission regarding Capital Improvements.

Bart Frisbee, d/b/a Sterling Construction, disagrees with staff's classification to process his proposed project located at 50 Chapin Road as a Planned Unit Development. Bart is taking advantage of Section 2.2 of the Subdivision Regulations, wherein he can ask the Planning Commission for its classification.

Site Plan-Public Hearing: Al Senecal, d/b/a Allen Brook Development, Inc., is proposing a 36,000 SF building footprint to accommodate a warehouse and commercial space at 131 Red Pine Circle (off Thompson Drive), in the Resource Preservation District-Industrial (RPD-I) Zone. Tax Map 72, Parcel 8.

Preliminary Plan–Public Hearing: Tom Chase, d/b/a Jericho Road Associates, is proposing a Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R), to accommodate 21 residential units, including other site improvements, on a 10.02 acre parcel. Property is located at 73 Jericho Road in the Medium Density Residential (R2) Zoning District. Tax Map 51, Parcel 14.

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