Traditional Yoga Nidra Relaxation, Wed. Nights

Past event
Mar 22, 2017, 7:30 to 8:30 PM

Join Savitri Devi Dasi for traditional Yoga Nidra ~ the Yoga of Deep Relaxation, with a special sound-healing offering, on Wednesday nights, 7:30-8:30pm in the beautiful Cavendish Gallery & Collective (under Battery Street Jeans), 115 College Street, Burlington, VT. Bring blankets for this powerful practice, which occurs lying down to access a state of deep inner awareness, relaxation, healing and rejuvenation.

Traditional Yoga Nidra, also known as "Yogic Conscious Sleep" is a powerful guided meditation practice that deeply relaxes the body and stills the mind to an incredible level. During a 1-hour session (lying down), students are guided into deep awareness of the physical body, the energy of and beyond the body, and one's ability to open the Heart, heal and access insight and intuition. Yoga Nidra traditionally occurs lying down, so please bring blankets to create a comfortable lying space and for added warmth. For more information, visit Battery Street Jeans and the Cavendish Gallery & Collective on FaceBook, or view the event at:

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