Art Show and Movie Screening

Past event
Mar 19, 2017, 7 to 10 PM

Drop in and Donate tonight at ARTS RIOT on Pine St.

A Sunday showing: ART show & FILM screening to benefit Protect Our and WE drink

A suggested $10 donation to benefit POW includes one complimentary FOCAL banger courtesy of the sustainably driven folks at the Alchemist Brewery in Waterbury. It also enters you in a door prize raffle to win an assortment of goods from other local shops and several pieces seen w/in the show.

the ART show donation is optional along with the heady beverage and raffle ticket -- the movie screening is a friendly donation of $5 to benefit Please see a trailer for the film here:

*Action w/in the community to better the environment.


#destroyapathy #buildhope #btvsouthend

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