Traditional Welsh Hymn Sing and Tea

Past event
Jun 25, 2017, 3 to 5:30 PM

A Gymanfa Ganu and Te Bach
(a traditional nondenominational Welsh hymn sing and tea social)
will be held on
Sunday, June 25th at 3:00 p.m.
in Castleton, Rutland County,
the event will be held at 504 Main Street at Federated Church.
All are welcome.

Sponsored by Poultney Area St. David’s Society and hosted by historic Federated Church of Castleton Hymn verses will be sung in both the Welsh and English languages. A limited number of gymanfa hymnals will be available. If you have your own copy, please bring it with you. One may also pre-order a copy from the website of

Te Bach will follow the sing in the fellowship hall.

For more information about the cymanfa event, contact Poultney Area St. David’s Society, c/o 60 Norton Avenue, Poultney, VT 05764-1029;, or visit its Facebook page or its
website: .

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