he Cavendish Fletcher Community Library will be holding a Spaghetti Dinner and Quarter Auction on Friday, March 24 in the Cavendish Town Elementary School’s Multi-Purpose Room from 6:00-9:00 PM. Everyone is encouraged to attend. This fundraiser will benefit both the library’s programming budget and the Pollard family, whose home was damaged by fire in February.
The first hour of the event will be a spaghetti dinner. The price for dinner is $7.50 per adult, $5.00 per child 5-12 and under 5 year-olds eat for free. It is capped at $20/family. The menu will consist of Spaghetti with meatballs, rolls, tossed salad, cookies and various drinks. Vegetarian meals are available as is takeout.
The next two hours will feature the quarter auction. A quarter auction is similar to a bunch of raffles. Participants purchase a paddle with a number on it. A chip with the same number goes into a "hat" at the time of purchase. After dinner the auctioneer will have the "hat" up front along with the items up for auction. Participants will sit at tables with their paddles and a bowl in front of them for quarters. The auctioneer names the value of the item and the "bid" in quarters. Usually between $.50 and $1.50 depending on the value of the item. If a participant is interested, they hold up their paddle and put the specified number of quarters in the little bowl on the table in front of them. Volunteers collect the quarters. The auctioneer then draws chips out of the "hat" until a person whose had placed a "bid" (ie paddle in the air, money in the bowl)'s number is called. They get the item for the small amount of quarters they put in and the library gets all of the quarters. The chip then goes back into the hat for the next item.
Participants may bid on whatever items they want. More than one paddle may be purchased. You do not have to buy dinner to participate.
Items we have for the quarter auction include a Patriots mirror, gift certificates from area merchants, art, some wine, various baskets of items, including a dog basket, baked goods, and more coming in every day.
Please contact Kata at 226-7503 for more information.