On Saturday, March 25, I’m having my 49th birthday and this year I’ve decided to turn my birthday into an attempt to create some political change – or at least awareness on the parts of our elected leaders.
Our president is dangerous man. (If you disgree with this statement, you are 100% entitled to your opinion – obviously – and as such there’s no need for you to read further.) In my opinion he puts our society, both nationally and internationally, at serious risk.
I have lobbied our congressional delegation and the message from them has been, essentially, “We agree but there really isn’t much we can do legislatively. He has a Republican majority in both houses.”
The only people who I believe can stop this madness are the Republican members of Congress. There are currently 302 of them. Three hundred and two senators and congressmen, at least some of whom have to know this climate is not sustainable, that our democracy is at stake.
I decided that the best thing I could do would be to write handwritten, heartfelt, rational appeals to them to stop what is happening. Three hundred and two requests for them to stand up and say “enough.”
That’s a lot of handwritten letters, though. Well, my wife Amy will definitely help me (see: letterstodonald.blogspot.com) so that would be 156 each. We could do that.
Then it occurred to me, this is exactly what Amnesty International has been doing for years. And they get results. Prison-sentence-ending, live-saving results. So I've decided to host a Letter Writing Event modeled on Amnesty International's annual "Write For Rights" campaign.
Any/all likeminded Jericho and Underhill residents are welcome (and encouraged) to join the fun…
Where: Mount Mansfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Meetinghouse
When: Saturday, March 25 6pm-8pm
My goal is for our group to write at least one letter to every single Republican member of Congress, Senators and Congressmen alike. My family will provide food (snacky stuff, not a full meal), cake, music (‘cause you’ve gotta have music at a party), paper, pens and envelopes. I only ask that you bring you positive energy and letter-writing skills.
In order to judge what kind of food, cake and general supplies, we’ll need I’d appreciate it if people would RSVP here: http://ReachTheRepublicans.rsvpify.com
You can send questions here: peterboothvt@gmail.com
Families with kids are welcome, though there won’t be any specific kid activities. That said, does anything catch a congressman’s eye more than a letter from a kid?!?
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