Don't miss the second installment of the hilarious melodrama of Punch and Judy this Saturday at 2pm, at the Gohl building in downtown Hardwick. We had a full house last week, but if you missed it, you can still catch up and find out how Mr. Punch will get out of his latest predicament . . .
The show will feature live music, prize giveaways, a pre-show gramophone dance party, popcorn, cider, and, of course, the most spectacular puppet show this side of the Connecticut River. It’s Saturday morning cartoons, LIVE!
All shows are at 2pm and admission is a $5 donation per person. The venue is the beautifully restored Gohl Building, temporarily known as the “Blinking Yellow Light Theater” right in the center of Hardwick, Vermont-- the Town that entertainment saved.
These shows are made possible by the generous support of local sponsors: the Greensboro Garage, the Mac Nurse, and Pinbox 3000.