Community Forum on Dollar General
When: Friday, March 17 @ NOON
Where: The Meeting House, 348 Bentley Ave
What is this forum? : This community forum will be a safe, moderated space for all community members to discuss the potential new retail business, Dollar General, operating in Poultney. This is an open opportunity for community members of Poultney to learn about the transformation of the former VEMAS property on 61 Beaman Street.
Paul Donaldson, Town/Village Manager, will provide a brief synopsis of the current proprietor's application. A representative of Poultney Concerned Citizens, will also provide a brief summary of their coordinated effort. Voices of support for Dollar General and in support of other tenants are BOTH highly encouraged to attend.
Why should I come? : All community members who come and share their opinion will be listened to respectively, and their opinion will be recorded (notes from community voices) to be provided to the Development Review Board during their zoning hearing on March 22, 2017 at 6:00 pm.
Questions? : Contact Bianca at 603-732- 8606. Thank you.
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