In April of 2016, my friend Alleigh and I hosted the Make-A-Wish VT Charity Basketball Game at Hazen Union. The game was between Hazen's own varsity boys team as a team of men's alumni from past years at Hazen. The game was very successful, we raised $1000 and a generous person matched our donation! We were able to hand Make-A-Wish VT a check for $2000 dollars.
This year, on April 7th, we will be hosting the 2nd Annual Make-A-Wish VT Charity Basketball Game at 5:30. In hopes to bring in more money, we are having two games! Hazen's Varsit girls will play a team of alumni women at 5:30, and our varsity boys will play a men's alumni team at 7:00. There will be a 50/50 raffle and a special performance in between games by Joni's School of Dance. The doors open at 5:00, and admission is $5 for adults, $2 for students. Please come and support the Make-A-Wish Foundation!