Please come out to the Kellog Hubbard library in Montpelier for a film series on racial justice in Vermont each Tuesday in March from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Trials of Today: Film & discussion series on racial justice topics in Vermont--what can we do here?
1) Welcome to Vermont
Tuesday, March 14 @6:30 pm
In four vignettes, this hour-long documentary takes us inside the daily lives of four families from Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, and Rwanda who were forcibly displaced and have recently resettled in Vermont.
Followed by a discussion with director Mira Niagolova.
2) Broken on All Sides
Tuesday, March 21 @6:30 pm
Much of the discrimination that was legal in the Jim Crow era is today illegal when applied to black people but perfectly legal when applied to "criminals." Through inter-views with people on many sides of the criminal justice system, this hour-long documentary aims to answer questions and provoke questions on an issue walled-off from the public's scrutiny.
Followed by discussion with Justice For All & Central VT SURJ.
3) Silenced Voices
Tuesday, March 28 @6:30pm
Migrant Farmworker Jose Obeth Santiz Cruz was killed in a farming accident in December 2009 in Vermont. The VT Migrant Farmworker Solidarity Project sent a delegation to Mexico to return his remains and document his family and community coming to terms with his death and sharing stories about the causes, effects, and their experiences of migration.
Followed by discussion with Migrant Justice.