TEEN EVENTS Ever been to a 3D movie and tried to see the picture without the special glasses on? The picture is unfocused and annoying to look at, right? Ever felt like that when opening a Bible? Blurry, jumbled, confused? You know that billions of people worldwide read and cherish the Bible, so why does it seem like just a big blur to you? Who came first? Matthew or Moses? What happened first? The Flood or the Fall? Is there a story here, a Big Picture, or is it just a jumbled collection of people, dates and facts?
The TEEN STUDY CLASS at Middletown Springs Community Church can provide answers to these questions and more. We have launched an exploration of what's actually in the Bible. It's a 30,000 foot fly-by and is designed to bring you some relief from the confusion.
If you're a teen in grade 7-12, you are warmly invited to come Sunday mornings at 9:00. In the back door of the church and down the stairs...just follow the smell of the donuts. Class is led by long time teen worker Chris Booth. Questions? Contact Chris: cjbooth85@msn.com
THE TEEN YOUTH GROUP – grades 7-12 - is having a progressive dinner (travel from house to house) on Sunday March 12, 6-8:30 pm. Meet at the Church backdoor at 5:45 pm to ride around together. Also, on April Fools Day, the TEENS are going ROCK CLIMBING FROM 1 – 3 PM. There will be food! Cost is $10. Contact Emma Lamberton for more info.
This week begins a NEW SERMON SERIES - “Four HARD Teachings of Jesus that Reinvigorate our Faith”. This Sunday’s topic is I DID NOT COME TO BRING PEACE, BUT A SWORD. During his ministry, Jesus spoke and did things that challenged established paradigms and were problematic for people to understand. Yet a careful examination reveals to us the richness of God's heart, His word and His will, which requires our absolute trust in His providence. This series will take a careful look at some of Jesus’ teachings that are bothersome, obscure and difficult to practice. (Matthew 10:34-39)
The Middletown Springs Community Church welcomes everyone to its 10 am Sunday Worship gathering, which is followed by a POTLUCK LUNCH of soups, breads and more. During the service, there is childcare for infants and toddlers, and Children’s Church for kids up to grade six. Pastor Mathews can be reached at 235-2386 or mscchurch@gmail.com Website: www.middletownspringscommunitychurch.org and on Facebook
Feb 26, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
The MINT Chili Cook Off!!Mar 1, 2025, 12 to 2 PM
Science PubMar 2, 2025, 4 to 5:30 PM