Hardwick Residents and Property Owners:
Do you live near a stream or a river? Is your home or your business in a flood zone?
Yes? Maybe?
The Hardwick Planning Commission is currently exploring possible changes to the Flood Hazard Overlay and River Corridor zoning bylaws.
Please join the Commission at the Hardwick Memorial Building on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 6:30 pm for presentations by Staci Pomeroy, River Scientist - State of Vermont; Sacha Pealer, Regional Floodplain Manager - State of Vermont; and Alison Low, Northeastern VT Development Association Planner.
Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, please contact the Hardwick Zoning Administrator, Kristen Leahy at 472-6120 or at zoning.administrator@hardwickvt.org