Organizing for Action: a Workshop with Si Kahn

Past event
Mar 14, 2017, 9 AM

Si Kahn has worked for over 50 years as a civil rights, labor and community organizer, author and musician. Si has written the book on community organizing (several of them in fact). His latest book is "Creative Community Organizing: A Guide for Rabble-Rousers, Activists, and Quiet Lovers of Justice", which was launched at a party with Pete Seeger. In this workshop, he will share his expertise and perspectives on organizing for action in the times we find ourselves in.

Location: Old Labor Hall, 46 Granite St., Barre, VT
Time: 9:00am
Cost: Free and open to the public - no reservations required (donations in support of the Old Labor hall welcomed!)

More information:
call: (802) 479–5600
text: (802) 331-0013

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