Re-Organizational Meeting: Selectboard

Past event
Mar 14, 2017, 7 to 9:30 PM

1. Call to Order – Town Manager – 7:00 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance – 7:01 pm
3. Board Re-organization – 7:02 pm
a. Elect Chair
b. Elect Clerk
c. Set Date, Time, & Place for Regular Meetings
d. Re-adopt Board Rules of Procedure
e. Designate Newspaper of Record
f. Appointments (1-year terms unless otherwise stated):
a) Emergency Management Coordinator
b) Fence Viewers (3 persons)
c) Fire Department Slate of Officers
d) Inspector(s) of Lumber, Shingles & Wood
e) Lister(s) (2 vacancies)
f) Pound Keeper
g) Rutland Regional Planning Commission Commissioner
h) Rutland Regional Planning Commission Alternate
i) Rutland Transportation Council Representative
j) Rutland Transportation Council Alternate
k) Solid Waste Alliance Communities Representative
l) Tree Warden
m) Weigher of Coal
n) Committees:
1. Cemetery
2. Energy
3. Planning Commission (1 term expiring)
4. Zoning Board of Adjustment (3 terms expiring)
4. Amendments to the Agenda – 7:30 pm
5. Five Minutes for Public Comment – 7:31 pm
6. Department Head & Committee Reports – 7:36 pm
7. New Business – 7:41 pm
a. Town Manager:
a) Accept Resignation of Herbert Durfee, III, effective 3/7/17 with last day being 4/21/17
b) Interim Town Manager Discussion
c) New Town Manager Search Discussion
8. Old Business – 8:15 pm
a. Water/Wastewater Issues:
a) FYE 2018 Water/Wastewater Budget, Proposed
b) Strategy/Schedule for Water/Wastewater Rate Setting
c) Water Ordinance Amendments, Draft
b. Earned Sick Leave Policy Adoption
c. DPW Sweeper Continued Discussion
d. Transfer Station Hauler
a) Acknowledge a contract cannot be negotiated between the Town and Spaulding Enterprised, Inc. (or Waste Connection, Inc.) due to invalidity of the SEI proposal/bid
b) Decide to award the proposal/bid to Casella (assuming original proposal/bid rates hold) or to reject all proposals and re-bid
9. Board Roundtable – 9:30 pm
10. Review of Finance Reports – 9:35 pm
a. Expenditure / Revenue Reports
b. Checkbook Status
c. Sign Warrants
11. Adjourn – 9:40 pm

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
• Future Regular Meetings TBD, based on the Re-Organizational Meeting

Auxiliary aids and reasonable accommodation shall be made upon request. A two week notice may be required for some requests.

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