Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Lecture & Luncheon

Past event
Mar 9, 2017, 12:30 to 3 PM

The Spring lecture series kicks off with a luncheon at 12:30 in the Catamount Arts Cabaret on Eastern Ave. The luncheon is free for members and by donation for others.

At 1:30pm in Theater 1 Charlie Browne will give an illustrated talk preparing participants for the arrival of warblers in May - the migration, ecology, habits and field identification including song. The most colorful of all our song birds, wood warblers and some 30 species may be encountered by patient observers in VT. We are fortunate to live in one of the favored environments for warblers and heir watchers.

Come hear about "The Warbler Wave" and pick up a brochure about the following 7 lectures in the Spring Series. For more information contact Sue Montague 748-4262.

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