Lamoille Valley Osher Lifelong Learning Institute’s winter lecture series concludes on Wednesday, March 8th, at 1:30 p.m. at the Town and Country Resort on Mountain Road in Stowe. The topic of the talk is "Rock ‘n Roll: The Fun And Games When Songs Sound Too Much Alike." Joel Najman will be the speaker at the session. Joel Najman is a name Vermonter’s have heard frequently over the airwaves the last fifty years or so. Joel’s voice is easily recognizable since he hosts My Place, VPR’s Saturday night radio program, and he is often heard on WDEV in many roles. For those who have had the privilege of meeting Joel, his trademark beard will instantly prompt memory recall of the encounter. As iconic as Joel’s beard is, his mastery of the 1950’s and 60’s rock ‘n roll and R and B music earned him a place in the Vermont Music Hall of Fame. Joel’s knowledge of the music, political and social trends of the 50’s and 60’s is self-initiated and singular in knowledge. Joel will also guide the audience through the maze of similar musical themes through many artists.
There is a $5.00 fee for non-members, and no reservations are required. Dessert and beverages will be available at the social hour after the talk.