2017 Vermont State Scholastic Chess Championships

Past event
Apr 8, 2017, 9 AM to 3 PM

The 30th Annual Vermont Scholastic Chess Championships will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2017 at Berlin Elementary School.

All Vermont students from Kindergarten through Grade 12 are eligible to compete for State Championships in nine divisions -- each grade Kindergarten through Grade 6, Middle School (Grades 7 & 8) and High School (Grades 9 through 12). All abilities are welcome and encouraged to participate.

The tournament will be USCF rated and follow USCF rules. Registration is from 8:30 AM until 9:30 AM. Games will start at 10:00 AM. Complete rules and registration information can be found at http://vtchess.info or by contacting Mike Stridsberg, Tournament Director, at mike@vtchess.info or (802) 223-1948.

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