School Budget Info Meeting - Monday, CVU Rm 140

Past event
Mar 6, 2017, 4 PM

I was surprised to find so few Hinesburgers in attendance at the 2/23 6pm meeting at CVU of the CVSD – the incoming School Board to represent us in managing the newly consolidated district of our five CSSU towns. I know people are very busy, perhaps some of you watched on Cable Access? Regardless, I want to help clarify that there’s one more chance to learn about the new, consolidated CVSD budget before we vote:

The 2017-18 CVSD budget info meeting (as it relates to Hinesburg residents specifically) will be held on Monday, March 6th at 4pm at CVU, Rm 140 (Thank you, Colleen MacKinnon for clarifying the recent mtg schedule for us here on FPF!)

4pm may be difficult for many of us to attend, but it’s my understanding that 4pm is the assigned time – the CVSD time to present info and answer questions relating to the upcoming school yr’s budget. Since the out-going HCS and CVU Boards did not drive the new, consolidated budget creation, they are not in a position to field questions or explain CVSD 2017-’18 budget strategy. I believe we will have our CVSD board representatives at the HCS and CVU meetings to answer some questions … however, if you want the full CVSD presentation, it's my understanding that it will only be available at the 4pm CVSD meeting. See you there if you can make it!

Pls note: I’m not on the school board; I’m a regular ol’ taxpayer and public education advocate.

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