Michael Arnowitt will be giving a piano concert on Sunday, 3 pm at
Montpelier High School. This will be Michael's last Vermont concert for a while, as
he's moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Sunday, March 5
3 pm
Montpelier High School Auditorium
Tickets $20 general admission, students free. Available at the door or in
advance at Bear Pond Books in Montpelier (cash or checks only).
If you are travelling from a distance, he's
willing to reserve some tickets for you which you can pay at the door.
Concert program is the Chopin 24 Preludes, plus his Barcarolle. The program
is not long, the total duration of the concert, including a spoken intro
where he'll reflect on his 32 years here in Vermont. Concert should be about 1 hour 15
minutes max.
All are invited to a reception in the lobby after the concert with free