A Conversation on "The Next Generation of Leadership" will be led by Lt. Governor David Zuckerman in Hartland at 2 PM on Sunday, Feb. 26.
If we are to have younger, more gender and minority balanced leaders at all levels of government, the time to start is now. Let’s work together to create a plan for securing this future.
Our current Lt. Governor is the first active farmer to occupy the office in Vermont in more than 75 years. Zuckerman has joined in condemning President Donald Trump’s executive orders blockading refugees and undermining our dairy industry by threatening to remove undocumented Vermonters. Zuckerman estimates that between 800 and 1,200 of these workers serve the dairy farming industry alone
Please join in this Sunday Feb 26 to hear and participate in this vital conversation. This event is free and open to all.
When: Sunday, Feb. 26, 2 PM
Where: Hartland Universalist Church, 8 Brownsville Rd, Hartland, VT 05048
Contact: 802 738-0102
On the web: bit.ly/huuaction